Almost 75 percent of health and longevity is based on lifestyle,environment and nutrition. Yet even if you follow a healthfuldiet, you probably don't get all the nutrients you need to preventdisease. In What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals,Herbs and More, Dr. Pamela Smith explains how you canmaintain health through the use of nutrients.Part One of this easy-to-use guide discusses the individualnutrients necessary for good health. Part Two offerspersonalized nutritional programs for people with a wide varietyof health concerns. People without prior medical problems canlook to Part Three for their supplementation plans. Whether youwant to maintain good health or you are trying to overcome amedical condition, What You Must Know About Vitamins,Minerals, Herbs and More, can help you make the best choicesfor the health and well-being of you and your family.
Almost 75 percent of health and longevity is based on lifestyle,environment and nutrition. Yet even if you follow a healthfuldiet, you probably don't get all the nutrients you need to preventdisease. In What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals,Herbs and More, Dr. Pamela Smith explains how you canmaintain health through the use of nutrients.Part One of this easy-to-use guide discusses the individualnutrients necessary for good health. Part Two offerspersonalized nutritional programs for people with a wide varietyof health concerns. People without prior medical problems canlook to Part Three for their supplementation plans. Whether youwant to maintain good health or you... Read More