Physical World and MeasurementKinematicsLaws of Motion\ork, Energy and PowerMotion of System of Particles and Rigid BodyGravitationProperties of Bulk Matter The rmodynamicsBehaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theor Oscillations and WavesElectrostatic Current ElectricityMagnetic Effects of Current and MagnetismElectromagnetic Induction and Alternating CurrentsElectromagnetic WavesnOptics
Physical World and MeasurementKinematicsLaws of Motion\ork, Energy and PowerMotion of System of Particles and Rigid BodyGravitationProperties of Bulk Matter The rmodynamicsBehaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theor Oscillations and WavesElectrostatic Current ElectricityMagnetic Effects of Current and MagnetismElectromagnetic Induction and Alternating CurrentsElectromagnetic WavesnOptics