A subjective list of the 50 Companies that had the msot profound impact on the world around them. The firms included are ranked by the author according to their influence and contributions. International in scope, the selections range from obvious choices like Microsoft, AT&T, Toyota, and McDonalds, to more provocative selections like CNN, The Walt Disney Company, and A subjective list of the 50 Companies that had the msot profound impact on the world around them. The firms included are ranked by the author according to their influence and contributions. International in scope, the selections range from obvious choices like Microsoft, AT&T, Toyota, and McDonalds, to more provocative selections like CNN, The Walt Disney Company, and Ben & Jerrys Homemade. For each company, the author presents a lively, historical sketch and discusses its strengths and weaknesses in the context of each companys individual operation, historical context, and specific industry. Each sketch also entertainingly and informatively spotlights the distinctive personalities, along with the unique products or services, that set it apart from its competitors.
A subjective list of the 50 Companies that had the msot profound impact on the world around them. The firms included are ranked by the author according to their influence and contributions. International in scope, the selections range from obvious choices like Microsoft, AT&T, Toyota, and McDonalds, to more provocative selections like CNN, The Walt Disney Company, and A subjective list of the 50 Companies that had the msot profound impact on the world around them. The firms included are ranked by the author according to their influence and contributions. International in scope, the selections range from obvious choices like... Read More