Millions of cat owners long to know whats going on in the mind of their complex, curious pets. Here is the key to that knowledge, provided by an eminent veterinary surgeon. In detail, he covers feline psychology and physiology, paving the way for owners to have a better, healthier relationship with their animals. The explanation begins with a look at the cats ancestry--its origins, evolution, and domestication. Theres a description of basic feline behavior and cat sociology, and a careful analysis of various physical and emotional issues. Find out how to cope with foibles and faults, and handle problems that range from bad breath to arthritis, from obesity to aging. A final section answers the most common questions that concern cat owners.
Millions of cat owners long to know whats going on in the mind of their complex, curious pets. Here is the key to that knowledge, provided by an eminent veterinary surgeon. In detail, he covers feline psychology and physiology, paving the way for owners to have a better, healthier relationship with their animals. The explanation begins with a look at the cats ancestry--its origins, evolution, and domestication. Theres a description of basic feline behavior and cat sociology, and a careful analysis of various physical and emotional issues. Find out how to cope with foibles and faults, and handle problems that... Read More