In this book Captain Horatio Hornblower sails his first ship of the line to the Spanish Station, where he harries French communications under the glowering menace of Napoleon's onshore gun batteries. Throughout his escapedes- battles with privateers, commando raids, and a hurricane at sea which drives his admiral's flagship towards a lee shore- Forester's introspective hero is the embodiment of all that is most vivid and courageous in a great novel tradition.
In this book Captain Horatio Hornblower sails his first ship of the line to the Spanish Station, where he harries French communications under the glowering menace of Napoleon's onshore gun batteries. Throughout his escapedes- battles with privateers, commando raids, and a hurricane at sea which drives his admiral's flagship towards a lee shore- Forester's introspective hero is the embodiment of all that is most vivid and courageous in a great novel tradition.