The Kali Yuga has already begun It is 327 BCE. The reviled emperorMahendra Nanda treacherouslyinvades one of the last freekingdoms of Jambu Morya after assassinating their kingunder a banner of peace. Arjuna the crown prince of Morya retaliates by invading theMagadhan capital of Pataliputraand executing the emperor in hisown palace but his vengeancebring to light a dark se The Kali Yuga has already begun It is 327 BCE. The reviled emperorMahendra Nanda treacherouslyinvades one of the last freekingdoms of Jambu Morya after assassinating their kingunder a banner of peace. Arjuna the crown prince of Morya retaliates by invading theMagadhan capital of Pataliputraand executing the emperor in hisown palace but his vengeancebring to light a dark secret. Theempire itself is servant to agreater power a power that feweven know to exist the Templeof Sorcery Dandakaranya.Furious at this betrayal Arjunarides to Dandakaranya where his younger brother Karna isbeing trained in the dark arts ofsorcery but worse is yet to come.An asura a demon from thelegends has begun to terrorizethe villages of Jambu declaringitself to be the retribution of theKali Yuga and in the northwest a warlord named Sikandarhas invaded Jambu declaringhimself to be the Emperor of theWorld .An alternate history of Indiaweaving together myth magicand fragments of history King sFall is the first of three novelstelling the story of the rise of theMauryan Empire. About the AuthorAditya Wig lives in Delhi. This is his first book.
The Kali Yuga has already begun It is 327 BCE. The reviled emperorMahendra Nanda treacherouslyinvades one of the last freekingdoms of Jambu Morya after assassinating their kingunder a banner of peace. Arjuna the crown prince of Morya retaliates by invading theMagadhan capital of Pataliputraand executing the emperor in hisown palace but his vengeancebring to light a dark se The Kali Yuga has already begun It is 327 BCE. The reviled emperorMahendra Nanda treacherouslyinvades one of the last freekingdoms of Jambu Morya after assassinating their kingunder a banner of peace. Arjuna the crown prince of Morya retaliates by invading theMagadhan capital... Read More