In 1982 Raymond Briggss classic picture book The Snowman was made into an enchanting animated film, now loved by generations of children all over the world. This special gift set combines a magical story book illustrated with pictures from the film and an audio CD with readings by Andrew Sachs and music by Howard Blake, featuring the famous Christmas song, Walking in the In 1982 Raymond Briggss classic picture book The Snowman was made into an enchanting animated film, now loved by generations of children all over the world. This special gift set combines a magical story book illustrated with pictures from the film and an audio CD with readings by Andrew Sachs and music by Howard Blake, featuring the famous Christmas song, Walking in the Air, sung by Peter Auty.
In 1982 Raymond Briggss classic picture book The Snowman was made into an enchanting animated film, now loved by generations of children all over the world. This special gift set combines a magical story book illustrated with pictures from the film and an audio CD with readings by Andrew Sachs and music by Howard Blake, featuring the famous Christmas song, Walking in the In 1982 Raymond Briggss classic picture book The Snowman was made into an enchanting animated film, now loved by generations of children all over the world. This special gift set combines a magical story book illustrated with... Read More