Once Upon a Tender Time, a poignant tale of childhood, is the concluding part of Carl Mullers Burgher trilogy. The Burghers of Sri Lanka, hardy and fun-loving, produce children by the dozen - but often forget them. Carloboy Prins von Bloss and his companions are usually considered a pain in the neck by the adults they encounter as they go about the serious business of di Once Upon a Tender Time, a poignant tale of childhood, is the concluding part of Carl Mullers Burgher trilogy. The Burghers of Sri Lanka, hardy and fun-loving, produce children by the dozen - but often forget them. Carloboy Prins von Bloss and his companions are usually considered a pain in the neck by the adults they encounter as they go about the serious business of discovering the world and, primarily, the facts of life. Romps in the backyard, trysts in deserted houses and long bicycle rides to discover true love are commonplace. Also frequent are thrashings as adults try to discipline these `devils. But there are happier moments too - vacations spent roaming and hunting in the beautiful Sri Lankan jungles; trips to the favourite bookshop to browse and perhaps buy the latest Captain Marvel comic; and the signal honour of riding on the engine because dad is the engine driver... Unusual, enchanting and unforgettable, this memoir of a singular childhood should further enhance the award-winning authors already considerable reputation.
Once Upon a Tender Time, a poignant tale of childhood, is the concluding part of Carl Mullers Burgher trilogy. The Burghers of Sri Lanka, hardy and fun-loving, produce children by the dozen - but often forget them. Carloboy Prins von Bloss and his companions are usually considered a pain in the neck by the adults they encounter as they go about the serious business of di Once Upon a Tender Time, a poignant tale of childhood, is the concluding part of Carl Mullers Burgher trilogy. The Burghers of Sri Lanka, hardy and fun-loving, produce children by the dozen - but... Read More